Sunday, November 15, 2009


Yes, exams. I can practically hear your scream of high pitched horror already. Currently, at the school i am attending now in school, you learn nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada. So, when it comes to exam time they expect you to already know the things they hadn't taught you. Which means basically you have a week to learn and remember everything you should have learn't in a whole year of schooling. My science exam is tommorow and i have to learn three whole topics tonight in hour and a half. the day after i have my history and english exams. Which means i have to learn 30 pages of grammar and learn everything known to man about water and nature. The day after that i have my Maths exam; where i have to remember about eight subjects/parts and i also have my P.E theory exam where i must learn the names marijuana goes by. So, you see i'm kind of in the middle of a freak out. Everything i try and read isn't sticking and just to top it all off tommorow im going to be trapped in an overstuffed hall on a 40 degree day with nothing but silence and questions that will guarantee to ache my brain. Lets not forget that the crammed room filled with students is not going to help my claustaphobia one incy wincy bit. So i can only hope your sending a bit of sympathy with me through this tough time and lets hope it will be enough so i can remember all the parts of the heart.
Wish me luck (ill need it)
-Little J